
Kingsway Deli - Vancouver, BC

The Kingsway Deli sits next to Tung Hing Bakery, near the corner of Kingsway and Inverness. For years I've been playing out my own version of the Battle of the Bánh Mì between these two. If you come to get a bánh mì at the Tung Hing Bakery, then you must stop by Kingsway Deli as well. They also serve bánh mì, and it is tasty too. Kingsway Deli's subs are slightly cheaper than Tung Hing, but the real reason why I come here is for their popsicles. Yes, my friends, the frozen fruit pops!

Tiem Banh Dong Khanh Tung Hing Bakery - Vancouver, BC

Or Tung Hing for short...We’ve been purchasing our bánh mì here for several years. Back when the most expensive sub on the menu came to a whopping $2.00. The price has crept up over the years, but at a thrifty $3.25, they are still far cheaper than any other sub sandwich.

Vietnam Village - Kelowna, BC

Phở again? Yes, phở again. I’m curious about beef noodle soup in Kelowna. I’ve been to the Vietnam Village before. Years ago. I can’t remember if it had the same name when I first visited. I have no idea if it is under the same ownership either. It still looks the same.

Phở Galaxy - Chilliwack, BC

Who knew there is phở bò in the ‘Wack? This is a drive by discovery. All I recall seeing is the word "phở"and "Grand Opening." That's all it takes for me sometimes. I made a mental note to stop here on our way home from the coast.

Lvoe/Love of Eating British Columbia restaurants
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