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Another malt beverage find at Gary’s European Sausage and Deli! I make regular stops at Gary's for deli offerings, and malt drinks. On this particular day Gary’s Deli is out of Karamalz, but I spy Club Malz occupying its place inside the cooler. Let’s try!
Club Malz ($1.65)
Club Malz is another malta drink that hails from Germany. It’s brewed by Bamberger Kaiserdom. Club Malz is very dark, like a stout, and it pours a thick head. It’s much darker than Vita Malz and Karamalz, but Club Malz is a lot less sweet. It’s not as molasses-y. It’s starts semi sweet, then there’s a beer-ish after taste. It has more of a grown-up taste, I guess.
Gary’s Deli also carries Vita Malz and Karamalz both sweet German hoppy beverages. Among the three of these maltas available at Gary’s, I still prefer Karamalz.
Now if only Gary’s could procure Egils Maltextrakt...