Bakari Sandholt Bakery - Reykjavik, IS
Bakari Sandholt is a bakery in Reykjavík, Iceland. They have some incredible looking sweet treats, but I’m here for something a bit more substantial. With only four hours or so of daylight during the winter months, I always feel as though I’m eating dinner.
Chelsea's Bakery - Kamloops, BC
Here’s a little bakery called Chelsea's. It is located beside Gourmet Greens in the same area as Canadian Tire and Sweet Spot Cupcakes.
I picked up a few things...
Donut King and Coffee - Kamloops, BC
I wanted to come here for two reasons:
1) I love the story that comes with the Donut King. Kamloopsian created by a former Tim Hortons franchisee that wanted to go fresh instead of frozen. He’s opened a few more locations since then, so I guess business is good. It’s nice to see locals supporting locals.
Erwin's Bakery and Delicatessen - Kamloops, BC
The folks at Erwin's Bakery and Delicatessen are the hard working scratch bakers behind the “baked goods stand” at the local Farmers Market. I never realized that they are located just downtown. Until now. I discovered their location while searching Kamloops for something entirely different (more on that some other time.)
Ashcroft Bakery and Coffee Shop - Ashcroft, BC
Ashcroft Bakery and Coffee Shop is located in downtown Ashcroft, BC. It's not officially winter yet, but slowly the chilly weather is creeping in. I love the dry-cold weather out here. I prefer it so much more than the cold-damp of the coast.
I am pretty excited upon entry as the show cases are much fuller than I imagined they would be.
Sweet Spot Cupcakes - Kamloops, BC
I've been watching Top Chef Just Desserts this season and I guess I've just got cakes on the brain. (How on earth did Danielle make it to the final 3?? I mean, she made a vegetable dress. A vegetable dress!!) Sweet Spot Cupcakes is located in the same complex as the original Chilli King on Hillside Drive, across from Gourmet Greeens.